Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lazy days

Today is my lazy day, of a type I very rarely get to experience anymore.  It's not often that I get a day to do hardly anything, what with getting caught up on things I couldn't do during the week and general household things that need doing, so I'm making the most of this.  I have stew in the crock pot for dinner, later on I'll make a batch of biscuits, maybe watch a video or two, and get myself all relaxed for back to work tomorrow.

When I was younger, we lived in a fairly rural area and on weekends I would take the opportunity to just head off into the woods, or explore a field nearby the house, or just plunk down under a tree and watch the sky for a while.  Being isolated from everyone and everything, for however brief a time as it was, helped me recharge a bit and get in touch with me, which made it a lot easier to deal with things throughout the rest of the week.

I know that, realistically, I'm not able to do that anymore.  It is nice to just be free from responsibility for a bit, let things go and relax, and not have to be doing things that others are demanding I do.  I can set my own pace, my own schedule, and do what I want.  And, if what I want to do is nothing, even better.

I've been going through some things here that will factor in when I do future posts.  I'm hoping these will serve as a bit of a snapshot as to what I was exposed to when I was growing up and maybe provide a glimpse into the not-so-distant past.  I may work on that a little bit later, or perhaps I'll set it aside for another time.

After all, today's a lazy day.

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