Saturday, November 5, 2011

On The Road: My wanderings

I'm typing this from a truck parked in a truck stop somewhere in Ohio.  I've been out on the road as part of my new job for the past five weeks, learning the tricks of the trucking trade and essentially living the life of a wandering nomad who just happens to transport goods to various points around the country.

It's not been an easy time, as I'm still learning a lot, but things as far as the operation of the truck and various tasks like backing up to a dock or into a parking space at a truck stop have gotten a little easier.  I've gotten better at it, at least, and haven't run over anyone or anything ... yet.

So far I've crossed the country twice and hit many different points in between.  I've currently logged over 10,000 miles driven.  I've been to cities I've only seen in pictures: Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles, Cheyenne, Detroit, and many other towns.  I've driven through the wide open spaces of Wyoming, seen the saguaro forest of Arizona, been through the Mojave Desert, and saw the Pacific Ocean.  

And, more important, I've seen you.  At least, a representative cross-section of you.  I see you commuting to work, I see you commuting home after a long day, I see you out on errands or just going somewhere as I cruise along the highway.  I see all of you, living your normal little lives.

And I envy you.

I envy you because, unlike you, as long as I'm out here my work never ends.  It's always another load, to another destination, in another city and another state.  But the truly sad part, for me at least, is that all I really, truly want right now, is to go home.

Because, to me at least, that's where you're supposed to go at the end of the day.

Now, don't misunderstand me.  I love driving.  I'm very glad I took the steps to upgrade my license.  I'm happy that I received the training and that I'm fairly competent at what I do.  I don't hate the job per se, in fact under different circumstances I might have had a better time living on the road.

I guess, in my little heart of hearts, I'm just not the nomadic type.  I feel better when I know the job is done and I can return to my own home, and do it all over again the next day.  

I hope I can find something like that.

In a few days, I will have completed this phase of training and, for a little while at least, can have a few days to be at home and decompress.  And weigh options.

And, if need be, get ready to head back on the road.

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