Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another post, because you can only twiddle thumbs for so long

I'm still on layover, waiting for my hours to reset so I can get moving once again. I have no idea which region I will end up in, I'm just hoping it will be one with no actively falling winter precipitation.

In a way, I think I lucked out not being able to take the last load, mainly because the entire way was snowy once you got up around Kentucky and into Ohio and north. And, to be truly honest, I can do without having to go to Maine at this time of year.  Try me in late May or something, but for the next few months I'll take a pass.

Yes, I do appreciate the irony of moving south to escape the harshest clutches of winter, only to get a job that is sending me right back into the worst of it.  I've been lucky so far, but I know my luck won't hold out forever. I foresee a lot of weather shutdowns and repowers in my future because I have absolutely no desire to drive in snow.  Granted, I won't be a total wuss about it, but it is nice to know I have the option to not go if I don't feel comfortable doing so.

I keep searching the local classifieds for a local driving job that I can do, and have submitted applications while I've had the free time.  Maybe something will come of it, maybe not, but at least I'm trying.

On the positive side: I'm somewhere warm, it's been lovely the past couple of days, and the rest has done me a world of good, along with allowing me to clean my "apartment" and get other things caught up.  I probably should have brought more videos, but I wasn't anticipating this much downtime.

Tomorrow, I should have my next assignment, and will be back on the road.  Tonight, I'll make the most of the relaxing I have left and figure out what the hell I'm gonna do for dinner.  Wendy's is getting pretty old and I'm not in the mood for soup.

Until I write again, be well and take care.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to have such a long stretch of frequent posts from you--I've been reading all along, but just started commenting again. Take care :)


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