Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's almost that time again, I hope

I've been out on the road for the past month now, traveling hither and yon, back and forth, and truth be told, I'm getting very tired and my thoughts are drifting toward the magic moment when I can finally head home.  You'd be amazed how big of a deal it is to sleep in a nice big, soft bed, in a room that seems at least ten times bigger than the living quarters I've been in for the past month with no deadlines or other pressures interrupting my sleep.

After this past week, heading home has been very big on my mind.  I'm quite due for a de-stressing period, which I can never fully achieve in the limited downtime I have between runs.  A few days would be good, forever would be ideal but not practical, and at this point I'll take what I can.

I finally got my load out of Alabama yesterday, 30 hours after I had arrived to pick it up.  I did some figuring and if I run the hell out of it I can be there on time tomorrow; in fact I should be there obnoxiously early based on my calculations.  One good thing to happen, I suppose.

I plan on reminding my driver manager about my home request within the next few days.  If the timing of my review is any indicator, my time should be close to up on Friday, Saturday at the absolute latest.  I'll try not to get too anticipatory about my actual return date, but I am hoping I'll get an indicator as to an approximate return date so I can get my stuff packed and be ready to hit the trail homeward.

This past month has been full of ups and downs, and while not quite at the level of an ancient Greek epic, it has felt positively Herculean at times.

I shudder to think what my next trip is going to be like.  Or for that matter, what the next 35 days after my home time has in store.  No matter; I will be dealing with that when it happens.

(Personal aside to Sirius Radio: I do like your eighties channel, but honestly, when I'm overtired and many miles from home, Dan Fogelburg is not a good thing for me to hear right now, kthxbai.)

In closing ... soon.

1 comment:

  1. That particular Fogelberg tune is never something I can just listen to without a tear in my eye...

    I would think that perhaps Sisyphus is a more apt Greek figure for your travels.

    Guess I need to step up my work on the Closet Project lest you have to sleep with Crystal... *grin


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?