Saturday, January 28, 2012

Does sightseeing count if you can't stop?

The sun is sinking low, and another 640 miles have been subtracted from my destination.  I am currently in Winslow, Arizona, and much to my dismay, I can't go stand on the corner. It's about a mile or so from the truck stop I'm camping at for the night, and yet I have no way to get there, nor do I have a way to get back.

Such is the downside of the job I have.  I get to go to some pretty cool places, and pass by some very interesting attractions, but I just don't have time to play tourist, nor is there really anywhere to park 70 feet of truck so I can do so.  For example, yesterday I passed through Oklahoma City and went by Tinker Air Force Base.  There was an air museum there, with several types of aircraft on display outside, ranging from fighter planes to one of the old jumbo jets used as Air Force One.  I would have LOVED to have been able to stop and just wander for a few hours or so, but alas...

I had a similar experience when I passed through Huntsville, Alabama.  I could see the Space Museum, or at least one of the Apollo-class rockets was visible from the highway.  Again, couldn't stop, couldn't even take a damn picture.

I would have loved to have been able to take a picture when I saw the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile heading east on I-40 through New Mexico earlier today.  Or maybe just some photos from one of the many tourist traps/attractions along the way, just so I had definite proof that yes, I was in fact nearby.

Maybe one of these days I'll get the chance to play tourist.  It's a longshot, and would require a major lottery win, but I'd love to take someone special along with me, and show her the sights that I've seen.

And this time, we'd be able to stop.

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