Monday, January 16, 2012

My gypsy road BETTER take me home...

It's been a crazy journey of over a month and around ten thousand miles.  The pace is starting to take it's toll on me as well -- for the past week my normal routine (as normal as it gets out here anyway) has been flipped, and out of necessity than a desire to do so, I've been doing more driving at night.  Staying up all night long with only fitful sleep during the day isn't doing wonders for my mental status.  And, running flat out without a real break in the action for the past week and a half hasn't done wonders for my disposition either.

Given the fact that I left the home terminal about a month ago, I figured I'd be getting pretty darn close to the time I could return to take some much-needed time off at home. I am a creature that needs a bit of time to decompress with no real responsibilities, and I also figured that this way I could get some stuff caught up on the home front.  I contacted my driver manager earlier this month and mentioned that when the time was up I would like to be sent back to the yard to begin my home time.  I got no reply.

Imagine my surprise and outright horror when I learned that they had me slated to spend another whole month out here.  

I give myself a lot of credit for holding myself together  and not having a total psychotic breakdown.  I think my reaction was more along the lines of resigned acceptance, simply saying that if I had to spend another month on the road, so be it.  I figured I could break down later on in private, anyhow.

I had to call in to clear up a matter and when I did, I mentioned that I had thought that our time out was  only around five weeks, give or take, but if Ihad to do another month, so be it.  The driver manager I spoke to (mine no big surprise, wasn't available) said the computer had me in for that length of time, but since I'd been out here as long as I had, she asked when I would like to return home.  I said anytime within the next two weeks was fine, and I was given a time of ten days from today.  It may not be exact, but I can live with that.  At least I have a bright spot to shoot for.

So, wrapping up the week of suck, I am sitting and waiting for the next load assignment.  It's nice to be able to sit and relax for a bit.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you at least have a target date for an end to your latest road odyssey.
    I would think that keeping drivers out for extended periods of time; running them at their maximum hours would result in a higher risk of accident and drive turnover.
    I’m sure MsDarkstar (hear she looking for a good meal) and the felines will be glad to see you when you reach home. Safe travels.


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?