Sunday, February 19, 2012

More idiotic ramblings and a serious answer

As many of my long-time followers know, I am an idiot.

I make no secret of this fact.  However, yesterday I did something that falls on the borderline of idiotic and accidental, so this time I am an accidental idiot.

Much to my surprise, I picked up some new blog followers.  I know, I was shocked, too.  One of these followers is the wonderful Sonya, who had left a comment on my blog yesterday.  I got the notification in my email, and went to hit the Publish link.  I think we can see where this is going.

Either my fat thumb hit the wrong mark, or the touchscreen placed the touch in the wrong spot, but -- I'm sure you've figured it out -- the Delete link activated.

In my defense, Blogger should have a window that appears whenever you attempt to delete a comment that says something along the lines of:

"You are attempting to delete a comment.  It is quite possible that you may want this comment published after all, and deleting it now would make you look like a total idiot.  Are you absolutely SURE you want to send this comment off to comment oblivion? And make sure you hit the right button this time, idiot."
However, all is not completely lost, because I had the good sense to save the comment email.  Here's the question Sonya asked in her comment:

Has to be exciting waiting for the next dispatch. Do you usually have an idea where it might be (repeats) or is it always a complete surprise? 
 All of my dispatches are a surprise, and I never know from one moment to the next where I may be going.  So far, I've never been to the same place twice as far as a shipper or receiver, but I have traveled the same highways in the same parts of the country.  It is a bit exciting getting sent to an area I've never been to before, and in a way it's nerve-wracking, mostly from trying to figure out how to best get the load picked up and delivered.

I hope this answers your question and I apologize for being an idiot.

So, my load finally was ready last night, and I rolled all night to my stopping point in western New Mexico.  The load has two drops.  I will not be able to make the last one since my hours for that day will be up before  I even get close.  No problem I'll just have to have the load repowered and someone else will have to make the final stop.

I will close with a picture of the view from where I am.  Have a great day.


  1. As much as I want technology to be my friend, it's NOT half the time. lol Thanks for the mention. Pretty scene beyond that parking lot too. Pretty area. I would think it exciting to be able to go various places on a whim. But yet I could never do what you do. I would damage half of America trying to deliver a load. lol

  2. The view here was beautiful, and I'm glad I got the picture before the snow moved in and obscured the view. Thanks for your understanding, and look, I got your comment posted correctly this time! heehee

  3. Hi. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for checking out my blog and for your comment. Hope you also checked out my two other blogs on - if not, you can find links for them on the blog you commented on. Thanks again.


  4. Well, my goodness, you are just getting a flurry of comments! So, I'll add to your list...

    I love the pic. You know I am disappointed you aren't running through a particular town just because I think the whole seeing you out of context would be a good shake up. I suppose you don't want your fries with a side of something nasty, though...

    Safe travels!


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?