Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trying something new (to me)

So, how stupid am I that I had absolutely no idea I could post the pictures from my phone's camera to the blog?  To think of all the wonderful stuff I could have had here.  Oh well, at least I'm using my down time to actually learn something.

This is a picture of the sunrise over the mountains near Albuquerque.  This is actually the better of the ones I took.  When possible, I try to take a picture a day, mostly because it's cheaper than buying postcards, and not a lot of truck stops offer postcards for sale.  It also provides a way of keeping those at home posted as to my whereabouts and allows me to share some of the things I see on a daily basis.

I keep the pictures confined to my Google Plus account for the most part, but if I think there's something fairly interesting to those of you that follow this blog (and that fact still amazes me), I will put it here so as not to overwhelm you all.

Have a great day, everyone.


  1. beautiful picture! Took me a while before I learned to post pics from my phone too. Oh well. LOL

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a follower of your blog now.

  2. Love seeing pics of where you are. Love seeing new territory. Glad we found you. We used to have a trucker in our group a long time ago. Enjoyed reading about his adventures and the life you live and all you go through. Perhaps we can all keep you company on the road as you read our blogs. We have a great group that migrated over from AoL journals a few years back. We are on blogger and found each other on Facebook. Then I decided to try this blog frog thing. It's really a nice way to bring bloggers together.

  3. Thank you to both of you, and thanks especially for allowing me to be a member of your group. I'll update as often as possible, which means "whenever I can find a decent wifi connection."


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?