Thursday, February 2, 2012

Very long, definitely strange, and quite the trip

Once again, I'm back in Texas.  This time, I'm heading in the direction of home.  There's only one obstacle standing in my way of a home that doesn't roll and a bed about as big as the entire living area of my sleeper cab.

It's this load I picked up in San Diego.  See, while they were nice enough to give me a load that would point me in the direction of home, they also gave me something with so much time on it that I don't know if I can deliver early or not.  I had called when I parked, but the person I spoke to advised me to call back tomorrow, as they would know for sure if I could be in that afternoon or not.  I'm hoping I can deliver either tomorrow afternoon or on Saturday morning.

I also don't know what my company will do if I can't deliver on either of those days.  I feel it's highly unlikely that they would have me sit on a load for three and a half days, but the way things have been going, you never know.

I have been doing small prep work, cleaning the truck and packing things I know I will not need.  I'll do the bulk of it when I'm ready to roll back to the yard, or even after I get there.

Wish me luck, I'm gong to need it.

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