Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calling a time out

Wow.  That was a heck of a trip.  Finally, it's over and I can get a quick respite before getting my next assignment, or so I hope.  I got the multiple pounds of paperwork sent in to the office so hopefully I can get paid on it by the end of the week.  That, and I still have a trip that I'm waiting to get paid for, so at least there's some money coming my way soonish.

Since I'm still in the training phase, I consider this part of my final exams.  The challenge was to keep everything in order, plan out a good working route, make all of your deliveries on time, and keep it within the hours-of-service regulations.  The variance on my miles (actual miles vs. what they will actually pay me for) was just a tad over , but it wasn't any major number and I explained it on the trip sheet I submitted, so hopefully there shouldn't be any problems.  Everything else -- spot on.  Yay me.

Another reason I'm hoping for a break, at least for today, is that I seem to have developed a little case of the sniffles, and I'm hoping it's just because I'm venturing into areas where more pollens are being released.  The last thing I need is to come down with a full-blown cold, or heaven forbid, the dreaded flu.

The rain held off until I finished today (yay) and it's sort of a spotty showery ... thingy out there.  I'll get some more work caught up, try to relax a bit because I've been up since about 3 this morning, and see where my travels take me next.  Oh, and the picture above is from the current trip, when I stopped in between deliveries in Shorter, Alabama, just east of Montgomery.

So, until the next update, take care.


  1. Y'all need to get some Orange Juice (so you can head off both colds AND scurvy!) and hopefully get a little resting done.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I'm blogging while IT sets up my new printer. You have been on the move! Working here in HR and battling fatigue. Take care! Be safe.


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?