Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Westward, snow!

I can't begin to tell you just how much of a thrill it is to be back on the road yet again.  I can't tell you, mainly because I don't find it thrilling at all. I find no thrill in spending two full nights without heat in some quite cold areas, racing to make as much time as possible before any potential ice shuts down your travel route prior to delivery, or eating in restaurants that offer buffet items such as mashed "potatoes" and brown creamy "gravy."  (true story, saw it this evening at the place I stopped at in New Mexico.  At least the salad bar looked better than most of the ones I've encountered.)

As is typical of this time of the year, especially in the mountain areas, there's some snow in the forecast.  Looks like it will be a quick storm, and I'm hoping I can get moving at a decent hour tomorrow.  Moving west makes it a little bit easier, as the time zone changes make things earlier in that part of the world, and thus easier to find a parking spot.  And you know I'm all about the convenience.

I don't foresee any delays as far as my delivery date, so that's one ray of good news.

Although, if I had my druthers, I'd be with the one I truly love today, instead of in a truck that FINALLY HAS WORKING HEAT THANKS A BUNCH YOU JERKHEADS FOR MAKING ME WAIT TWO WHOLE DAYS TO GET THE DAMN THING FIXED, a bunch of miles from home, lonely as hell, with no entertainment other than "Life and Love, Redneck Style" enacted live in the restaurant a scant two tables diagonally away from me.  Special Guest Appearance by The Lyin' Drunk!

I'm offending myself, so it's off to the showers with me.  More when I am able, as usual.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in your travels. At least it has to be better than this stomach virus I've had. lol Take care. Thanks for following.


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