Monday, April 8, 2019

A to Z Challenge – G is for Guitar

I’ve always had a love for music, but I’ve had a special place reserved for the guitar.

I remember back in elementary school … I believe it was third grade, and we had guest speakers come in and talk about what they did. Our class got a man who played Spanish guitar, and I was simply enthralled from that moment on. Just watching the way his fingers danced across the strings and made such beautiful melodies made me instantly hooked.

It’s after thinking about that for any length of time that I regret taking up the trumpet in school, but I had a hard enough time getting my folks to sign off on that, and I can say for sure that they never would have gone for guitar lessons.

Over the years, I gravitated more toward the bass, not being the type that really wants to be out in the spotlight. A little over a year ago, MsDarkstar gifted me my very own bass guitar, and today, after using Rocksmith to help me learn a bit, I can actually play a few songs and do it fairly decently. I still have trouble getting my fingers to behave as they should, and it’s quite possible that I will never be able to accomplish that, but at least I can say I’m having fun and I’m doing something else I’ve always wanted to do (my entry for P will cover more of that later on). I do still wish I had been able to take guitar lessons at an earlier age, but I’m just happy that I at least was able to give it a shot.


  1. Spanish guitar will getcha every time!
    Glad you're having fun with it now. (Possibly more than if you'd taken it as a kid - cuz you appreciate it more now?)

    Happy A-Z'ing

  2. That's awesome that you are learning to play guitar! I'm sure with lots of practice you will get better. How great that you will able to return to something that enthralled you from a young age, even if you weren't able to study it back them!

    With Love,


So, now that you know my thoughts, what are yours?