Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A to Z Challenge – O is for Observe

I’ve always been something of the quiet type. I much prefer to sit in the back and listen than to be the center of attention and do most of the talking. I’ve found this served me well in being able to escape social situations where I felt uncomfortable – most times, no one even noticed I had left until well after the gathering was over. Some didn’t even know I was there in the first place.

But, as quiet as I may be, I’m also watching and listening to what’s going on around me. I am an observer, in that I pay attention to small things that others may miss by being otherwise engaged.

For instance, I may have come and taken a look at your blog, maybe read a few posts that grabbed my interest. I may not have had anything to say at the time, hence no comment was left, but in that short span of time, I’ve learned a bit more about you, either your personal side or your creative side, whichever you display more prominently.

And if I find you interesting enough, I will be back.

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